HOD Message
Pleasure to meet you as head of department on behalf of Department of ENT Head and Neck surgery GMC SRINAGAR. The department of ENT head and neck surgery is one of the oldest departments of Government Medical College Srinagar and its Associated Hospitals with a rich heritage of catering to the problems related to ear nose throat and head and neck over decades and also providing academic services in the form of both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching from the very early years of inception of college. The Department takes pride in rendering its services to patients of whole valley Ladakh and Kargil and even patients from Chenab valley. At the same time the Department is actively involved in teaching and training postgraduates with 8 postgraduates graduating annually to serve different parts of country. It also gives me immense confidence to share our almost no referral outside state record by providing services of complex ENT head and neck surgeries related to head and neck cancer, cochlear implant, lateral skull base and anterior skull base. The Department provides 24×7 emergency services and 6 days a week OPD services to patients and operative facilities round the week .At present this is the only hospital providing emergency services to ENT Patients of whole valley 24×7. As head of Department I feel satisfied in providing scientific and and patient centric treatment to different ailments of our patients by close coordinated efforts of my doctors with other specialities as is being done in reputed centers of country where institutional practices are standard of care. Head and neck cancer patients are being treated on a scientific protocol based on tumour board recommendations.
The cochlear implant is being done on routine basis and patients are being registered under ADIPS scheme to pass on benefits to poor patients. At the same time research activities are a priority and whole faculty is working on one or other research activities in coordination with young senior and junior residents so as keep flame of research burning in young Doctors. Moreover young doctors are being encouraged to present their research work in national conferences .Nonetheless there is always a scope of improvement and I pledge to continue our efforts in that direction by timely medical and surgical audit and enlightening our doctors by keeping them abreast with latest in the subject.
I feel privileged to head this Department with rich heritage.