Department Notifications
Message by HOD

Neurosurgery is a highly critical care oriented surgical specialty saving hundreds of lives all over the world

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Message by HOD

Neurosurgery is a highly critical care oriented surgical specialty saving hundreds of lives all over the world. The Kashmir is a land locked state where the last flight would take off at 6pm. Now a days, there are late flights and the critically ill patients had no access to specialized and life saving facilities till SKIMS was inaugurated in 1982.

GMC SMHS Hospital, the mother of all facilities was fighting tooth and nail and round the clock to save lives as it is doing now also.

Neurosurgery, the only speciality which was not available in this hospital. Every single neurosurgery patient had to be transferred to SKIMS there by overloading them and also loosing precious life saving time in transporting them to SKIMS.


 joined GMC as a Neurosurgeon in 2012 to start the life saving Department with 4 beds and that too in sharing with ENT department GMC along with Professor M.A Wani. After that there was no looking back and as we are writing the small report today, the department has become a vital and very strong Super Specialty care taking facility in GMC and J&K.

    The department has an emergency wing at SMHS casualty block with state of the art CT, Radiology and operating area with observation and complete expert man power round the clock, 7 days a week. Critical care anaesthesia is also available 24x7 for all eventuality. The regular super specialty Hospital at Shireen Bagh started in 2017 which atthe moment caters four opds, well equipped ICU, modern Neuro surgical theatres 5 times a week.Fully equipped with most advanced and modern surgical equipment, microscope, CUSA, imaging equipment during surgery, teaching aids,most modern and well organised operating table for intra operative imaging and procedures.Intraoperative monitoring, electrical drill, intraoperative ultrasound, facial nerve monitor and radio frequency electrical cautery.

   There is a regular flow of doctor’s in training, technical trainees, nursing staff who watch us during procedures carried on with most modern techniques. National board cleared the department for DrNB training in Neurosurgery in 2019 and now the department has processed the documentation for M.Ch training.

SMHS Hospital being a centrally located hospital has taken over most of the load from SKIMS and SMHS and associated hospitals and without any referrals to SKIMS.  Patients are referred from most of the associated hospitals and peripheral Medical Colleges. There is extreme clinical bond of teaching and practice with SKIMS Neurosurgery department for continuing bilateral teaching programme.