

  • Distribution of ABO and Rhesus Blood Groups inKashmir ValleyDr. Shazia Handoo1, Dr. Samreen Siraj Bala2 1Lecturer, Department of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, SMHS Hospital, Srinagar, J&K, India Postgraduate, Department of Anatomy, GMC, Srinagar, J&K, India ,International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064  
  • .EXPERIENCE OF THERAPEUTIC PLASMA EXCHANGE IN NEUROLOGICALDISORDERS IN A SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH INDIA.Shazia Handoo,Atif Rasool Kawoosa, Fiza Parvez Khan, International Journal Of Scientific Research, Vol- 8, Issue-3, March -2019 3
  • .Assessment of wastage of blood in the Blood Bank of ma tertiary care hospital in North India- A retrospective studyShazia Handoo, Mohd. Zubair Qureshi, Arooj Bin Rashid, Musharaf BashirJK-Practitioner 2022; Vol.27,NO(1-2):82-84 4
  • .Awareness  and Attitude towards voluntary Blood Donation among voluntary and replacement donors, A prospective study from a tertiary care hospital based blood centreSaadat Nazir Shah, Azad Ahmad Shah, Shazia Handoo,Sheikh Bilal,Javaid Iqbal Khan, Global Journal For  Research  Analysis, Vol -12, Issue-01. January-2023 
  • .Analysis of blood requisition and utilisation practices by assessment of blood utilisation quality indicators in a tertiary care teaching hospital,srinagarShazia Handoo,Saadat Nazir Shah, Zubair Qureshi, Sheikh Bilal, Mehak Shafat, European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research, Vol 10, Issue 2 , 2023   
  • .Seroprevalence of transfusion transmitted infections among blood donors: a retrospective study from a tertiary care hospital in north india Saadat Nazir Shah, Azad Ahmad Shah, Javaid Iqbal Khan, Sheikh Bilal. Paripex- Indian Journal Of Research, Vol- 11, Issue-12 ,December-2022 
  • .Experience of therapeutic plasma exchange in neurological disorders in a super speciality hospital of North IndiaDr. Shazia Handoo et al. International Journal Of Scientific Research, VOL-8, Issue-3,March -2019 
  • 8.Gender differences in blood donation among donors of Kashmir valley Dr. Samreen Siraj Bala1 Dr. Shazia Handoo2, Dr. Aleena Shafi Jallu3 Postgraduate Scholar, Department of Anatomy, GMC ,Srinagar , J&K, India Lecturer, Department of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, SMHS Hospital, Srinagar, J&K, India Department of Otorhinolaryngology, head & neck surgery, SMHS, GMC ,Srinagar , J&K, India .IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 2 Ver. I (Feb. 2015), PP 116-119 
  • Impact of introduction of Nucleic acid test and its role in improving blood safety in a tertiary care hospitalMohd Zubair Qureshi, Shazia Handoo, Aruj bin Rashid, Sheikh Bilal JK-Practitioner ,Volume 28,Number 3-4,Jul-Dec 2023 
  • Analysis of blood donor deferral pattern during covid -19 pandemic at tertiary care hospital based Blood Centre, Jammu and Kashmir , India : a cross sectional studyMohd Zubair Qureshi, Saadat Nazir Shah, Shazia Handoo,Sheikh BIlal, Akhil V George, Peer Maroof