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●       Currently, a total of 12 research projects approved by Local Research Advisory Committee (LRAC) are going on in MRU, GMC Srinagar.  The approved projects were received from different departments of the institution like Biochemistry, Neurology, Dermatology, Medicine, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, and Pathology. Thus the MRU has provided a multidisciplinary research platform for Faculty and PG-scholars with diverse research interests.

●       Diverse research going on in the MRU has been instrumental in proving information about disease trends, risk factors and treatment outcomes of different non-communicable diseases.

●       Introduction of advanced research techniques like flow cytometry, immunoblotting, real time PCR, florescent microscopy etc. in the MRU has augmented the on-going Research activities amongst the faculty and PG medical students. The quality of research has improved due to the support from MRU in form of infrastructure and consumables. Same is evident in form of improved quality research publications from GMC Srinagar.

●       In addition to testing advanced research techniques and devices, MRU has been providing technical support to Department of pharmacology, GMC Srinagar in HPLC operation, so to provide a scientific basis for optimizing different drug dosage forms for epileptic patients.


Initiation to development of Diagnostic kits/technologies for Non-communicable and Communicable diseases.

●       Standardization of quantitative Real Time PCR (qRT-PCR) technique for the diagnosis of various diseases, for example, relative gene expression quantification for non-communicable diseases.

●       Standardization of alternative matrix for repeated drug monitoring in biological fluids like Saliva in comparison to conventional matrix like whole blood, plasma, serum using HPLC technology.

●       Standardization of advanced assays for vitamin levels including thiamine and vitamin B 12 for community and hospital based research.