About Us

 Forensic  Medicine   connotes a medical discipline which applies the knowledge of  medical and paramedical  science , for dispensation of justice or in short  deals with  the  application  of medical  knowledge  in the administration of law  Justice . MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE  is the  legal aspects of the practice of medicine.It deals with legal duties, rights and previleges  of medical practitioners, who must have a proper knowledge of laws so as not to  come in conflict with the laws of the land  during medical practice. STATE MEDICINE  deals with the compulsory legal duties of medical officers and practitioners as also the notification of births, deaths,epidemics, food poisoning etc.FORENSIC SCIENCES  on other hand deals with scientific aspects of a criminal investigation. Forensic scientists conduct tests on forensic evidences collected from scene of crime/accidents and give opinion in this regard.

The department of FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY  GMC,has always been on the forefront in dealing with MEDICOLEGAL ISSUES of the state, inspite of facing acute dearth of FORENSIC EXPERTS.

    Besides referred cases of  suicide, Homicide  , custodial deaths,death in police firing, bomb/ grenade  blasts,accidents, medical negligence deaths,exhumations ,   Services  of the department are often sought  by the Directoriate of Health services in the  conduction  of various high profile autopsies, custodial deaths and exhumations .

 DNA sampling for indentification of unknown bodies , paternity  disputes is also under taken by the department.


      The  department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology evolved with the inception of G.M.C  SGR. In the   Year  1961. The department  at time  was  headed by

  1.Dr. Bashir  Jeelani . He was subsequently  followed by  

  1. Prof. Surender Tickoo
  2. Prof. Balbir kour.
  3. Dr Rifat Fazili   .
  4. Dr. Farida Noor
  5. Dr   Arsalaan Rashid