- The institution is having a well equipped library composed of approximately 3000 books and more in all the streams including General Nursing and Paramedics.
- The students must avail library during vacant period or as per time table.
- The entry will be restricted to Identity card holders only.
- The readers are requested to keep their personal belongings at the entrance of the library.
- Books will be issued (subject to availability) for a period of fifteen days for students and faculty members.
- If the book due date falls on a holiday for the library, the next working day will be considered as the due date.
- A fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged after the due date for late submission.
- The borrower will be responsible for any loss or non-return of any book issued against him/her identity card
- Reference books, Journals should not be taken out of the library.
- Absence from the institute will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.
- Any kind of damage of library materials (marking, underlying and clipping of books) is absolutely forbidden.
- Under special circumstances, the librarian may refuse the issue of books or recall the books already issued from any member without assigning any reason thereof.